Big-ups to Biggs and Featherbelle!
They saved my skin! Literally… Okay, their products helped restore a patch of skin to its former glory. As much glory as palm-of-hand skin can achieve.
Something went awry when I was visiting my folks a few years ago. I was glancing at my hands one spring afternoon, and noticed my skin birthing a flake inside my left hand between my thumb and index finger.
What the what? I thought, picking at it. Ehhhh, nothing much there, ’twas only dry skin. I left it alone. After I got back to the East Coast, that spot on my hand started flaking more.
Whatever, I thought. Lotion to the rescue! I massaged and rubbed that stuff several times a day.
Only it didn’t help. Not only did it not help, my skin got worse. It started looking slightly inflamed and purple-ish.
What the WHAT?
I told my mom.
I told my sister.
I asked the Internet.
I asked friends.
“Go to a dermatologist,” some recommended. Sure, that makes since, because… skin. And something was obviously wrong with my left hand’s epidermis.
So I went, was handed an eczema diagnosis for that patch of skin, was gifted steroid samples which whipped that hand back into shape real quick. Relief!
However, when I stopped using it, the irritation revved up again, with a vengeance— wheelies and all.
This is a bunch of foolishness, I thought. Nothing is working. So I returned to searching the only bastion of earth’s certainties: The Internet.
“Natural remedies for eczema,” I Googled, Binged, maybe even Netscaped.
Then this brilliant idea popped into my head: Shea Butter!
But where would I buy it? Didn’t know, so I asked the Internet for help.
THAT’S how I met Biggs and Featherbelle products.
They’re based in Baltimore, Md., and are sold in a slew of stores locally and elsewhere; according to their website it’s 33 states and the District of Columbia.
I also started using Shea Moisture soaps, and soaps from Trader Joe’s, stopped using my hand soap and traded it for one of these natural bar soaps. When I showered or washed my hands throughout the day, I massaged a bit of Biggs and Featherbelle’s scented seasonal Shea butters or cocoa/shea butter combos into the irritated patch on my hand.
These products, especially the Shea and cocoa butter products, were the things that gave my skin much relief. That patch healed itself when nothing else worked, thanks to nature’s enabling emollients.
This is my Day 10 post for the 30 Day Writing Challenge in the Speak Write Now Community