(At the Water’s Edge, Maryland) — Grateful. I’m deeply grateful that folks allow me into their time and spaces to ask questions and be nosey in both good and extremely difficult times.
Some folks I cover for work really resonate my heart strings. From Brandi Garrett at The Maddy Wagon whose daughter, Madison, is a childhood cancer survivor…to Roya Giordano and family who lost their teen son/brother Mathias to bone cancer.
Earlier today for work, I got to cover a fundraiser for a firefighter who is battling colon cancer. It has spread…He says the chemo seems to be holding it at bay right now, but he told me it isn’t curable so he’s essentially buying more time to be able to spend with his wife and watch his daughters grow some more…He’s looking into clinical trials in the D.C. area and in Boston, but isn’t eligible for any of those until all other treatment options are exhausted.
So….Since my blog is a personal project, and because it’s no secret I want everyone to be happy and healed, I have requests:
- If you are a praying person, pray.
- If you only put positive thoughts & speech into the universe, do that.
- If you do none of the above, just hope for the best so Prince George’s County firefighter Jesse McCullough gets better.
- If you know a phalanx of prayer warrior grannies or aunties who always smell of peppermints and/or wear white gloves to their houses of worship even in the summer heat…ask.them.to.pray. Not just any grannies or aunties. The ones who call everyone either “sweetie,” “dear heart,” or “baby”…(pronounced BEHHH-buh) or some other variation. That encompasses a wide variety of grannies/aunties of different backgrounds with only the sweetest levels of sweetness.
Big G upstairs be listening to them, for real.
Fundraiser for #PGFD firefighter Jesse McCullough of Station 30, Landover Hills. The Pier Oyster Bar and Grill in Edgewater packed with his family, coworkers and more.
Md. @GovLarryHogan, a cancer survivor, is also here to show support. pic.twitter.com/LdFVc07vy6— Liz Anderson (@PlanetNoun) August 26, 2018