Memphis with a Mission: Grace Greenleaf decides to stay!

So I can’t wait for the season 1 finale of Greenleaf, which airs Wednesday (TONIGHT) on OWN.  For folks with the day off, they’re even going air all prior episodes until tonight’s pilot at 10 p.m.

I’ve seen most episodes at least twice… the first time to catch up with the latest happenings on Planet Greenleaf, the second time to watch and discuss, the third and all subsequent views… usually more like a cozy blankey, that I use to fall asleep . Not that the show is boring.

No plans here to bore my two readers (of which I am one) with the minutiae of each episode, I’ll keep it to five or so things you MUST KNOW.

First of all, an observation:  Lady Mae is a such a prim-proper one… A true lady—with a scythe tongue:

That’s the kindest way I’ve heard someone say STFU.

Episode 2 MUST-knows:

  1. Grace Greenleaf decides to stay in Memphis on a mission: To get her molesting Uncle Mac caught. Thing is—even though he tosses Grace some intense, “B*%c# don’t mess up my flow” side-eye dirty daggers, that doesn’t mean old boy did anything wrong…especially on a scripted drama.
  2. Aunt Mavis McCready (Ms. Oprah) gives Grace a police file with info on Uncle Mac’s latest rape victim… who reported, then recanted her testimony.
  3. Bishop appoints Grace as Response Pastor, and informs her it’s different than preaching. There’s more of an  practical component  to this role where she deals directly with congregants. Bishop admonishes her to “Check your heart” to make sure she’s acting with love as the root of every interaction.
  4. The storyline with Officer David Nelson starts to unfold. He’s the cop who shot and killed an unarmed teen. It was set up with a one liner in Episode 1. Both cop and dead citizen are black. He’d been calling the church, but no one got back to him. Gigi visits Nelson, chats with him and apologizes for the delayed response. Gigi asks Officer Nelson to take a look at the file Aunt Mavis slid her about Danielle Turner to see if the information can be used to go after her rapist, even though the girl took back her story.
  5. Gigi stops by Turner’s house… A shack in the Tennessee bush somewhere. The Danielle’s Mom answers the door and is not having any of Grace’s outreach. Like a good mother, the lady calls Uncle Mac talking about “We had a deal!”  What?!?! What deal? Did this heifer sell her daughter out! Oh, and Uncle Mac’s looking more and more scuzzy.
  6. Lady Mae offers the Greenleaf estate as a site for Noah and Isabel’s wedding… With a most polite and manipulative catch … To spy on Gigi and report if she’s acting out of the ordinary.
  7. An audit of Calvary Church is on the horizon, but Bishop ain’t having it. Pastor Greenleaf tells Alexa not to respond to a U.S. senator who is asking for documentation proving  how they spend every iota of money at the church…to make sure Calvary and other churches aren’t bilking their members out of  their hard-earned green.   “He needn’t trouble himself with how we do business in the garden of the Lord,” Bishop says. Looks like someone wants to count every petal and thorn on every flower.
  • Observations:
    Oh Lady Mae… So prim, proper, but I suspect her backstory is littered with trash caught in high weeds. Seems manipulative. Every tit comes with a tat. She does you a favor you’ll get a task in return.
  • First mention of Sofia’s dad. What’s that backstory?  Sophia keeps in contact with him and tells Grace he’s wondering why Gigi didn’t take a job at 20/20 and move to New York from Phoenix.
  • Bishop doesn’t think much of Jacobs pastoral leadership capabilities. Seems he doesnt think much of Jacob, period… It  shines through… like when he told Gigi, “Your brother is right about one thing… It’s good to have you back. (Dang. That’s a whole lot else to be wrong about…)
  • Gigi stops by Noah’s house late one night while he’s on the phone with his girlfriend Isabel.  Noah lives in a cozy, rustic-looking cottage on the Greenleaf estate. So why she at his house????? She couldn’t pick up the phone???? Don’t they have FaceTime or Skype?  By the way, Isabel seems a tad insecure because Gigi is in town. I get the sense Noah and Gigi have a past. Oh, and Isabel doesn’t live in the same town.  Something about that proximity to a past flame…

Anyhow, this was more than five things…oh well!

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