Tag Archives: NBC Timeless

NBC’s Timeless lesson: don’t mess with mother nature or father time

So what would’ve happened if the Hindenburg didn’t blow the fork up? NBC’s Timeless is all about that, and more.

Yes, I also watch another NBC show–The Good Place. What the fork did you think? Some of their shows are so boss this fall, I can’t bring myself to say a durn cuss word.

So let’s get into Timeless.

My favorite line in this pilot: “I am black. There is literally NO place in American history where that would be awesome for me.”

Lucy Preston is a history professor who is pissed she didn’t make tenure at the university where her sick mother used to work. No, I don’t think her mom was some kind of degenerate. She’s really sick. I’m guessing cancer, but they don’t say. All we know is she’s hooked up to a heart/vital signs monitor and has been unconscious for a while. Lucy confides in her sister about the disappointment. Amy advises Luch to start making her own future instead of worrying who she’ll disappoint by taking a different path than their mother.

Rufus Carlin is a total coder geek (that word is NOT a pejorative in my world), a brotha who’s taken a fancy to a fellow nerd at the lab where he works.

About that lab… it’s housing a project so top secret that the gov’mint doesn’t even know about it. Well… they didn’t until gun-toting capsule thieves commandeer suck it away to the Hindenburg disaster date—May 6, 1937—a few hours before it’s supposed to combust. Side note: It isn’t lost on me that the capsule resembles the logo of longtime network competitor CBS.   Is that intentional?

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